DM Integration / FREE CILT Webinar: Demand Management should always be demand driven
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FREE CILT Webinar: Demand Management should always be demand driven

22nd March 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Europe/London Timezone
Online Webinar
Online Webinar
FREE CILT Webinar: Demand Management should always be demand driven @ Online Webinar

The idea of driving supply based upon customer demand has been promoted a number of times over the years. Back in the 80’s it was customer Kanbans and more recently DDMRP. These solution are very attractive because they appear to avoid the need to forecast – ‘manna from heaven’. If demand planning (forecasting) is necessary then this Webinar will address the ‘three kings’ of effective demand management (planning).


Dave Manning: DMi Director

A prime mover in getting a division of Rolls Royce to Class “A” in the 1980’s, he has huge experience as an inspirational educator to many companies across many continents in how to bring change through implementing Integrated Business Leadership. Recently he has spent 18 years in Oliver Wight, 5 year with The Delos Partnership and now, his own company, DM Integration Limited.

