DMi – x 3 day ERP Implementation and Transformation
ERP Implementation and Transformation
‘The integration of people, process and systems is the only way to achieve transformation’
a 2 day DMi Leading Edge Workshop
Many companies recognise that in order to gain a competitive edge they need to transform their processes and ways of working. Even those that have achieved success in the past recognise that previous success does not guarantee future success, especially in a global economy that is changing and getting tougher and tougher. Many companies first turn to technology and initially believe that the latest technology and a new ERP system will be the solution they are looking for.
However systems alone without the redefinition of processes and changing the culture by winning the hearts and minds of the people then the new systems will not deliver the desired benefits and competitive edge. Sadly the world is littered by well documented failed systems implementations. If however ERP implementation is addressed as part of a business transformational programme then significant improvements and business benefits can be achieved.
People fear change, which is natural and normal. If people are not engaged and understand the why leading to winning their hearts and minds the new ways of working and systems will not bring about the desired change and at the very least not be sustainable. Most ERP systems ‘work’ and todays’ technology has made huge advances over the past couple of decades but without excellent data, best practice process and aligned behaviours the ERP system will simply not work!
The education session will show how to successfully manage the implementation of a transformation programme that includes an ERP system implementation. It shows how to structure the project, develop a plan and engage the whole organisation through an effective education and cascade education programme. This process is based upon a change management approach that has been developed over more than 40 years and is sometime referred to as the proven path
Course programme
- Change context
- Project organisation
- Project plan
- Cost benefit analysis and cost of delay
- Workstream activities
- Systems selection
- Best practice education programme
- Cascade education and communication programme
- Pilot and simulation approach
- Go live and cutover process
Who should attend?
All potential Steering Committee members (the Leadership Team), Project leaders/Directors, Senior Managers and Workstream Leaders (the Project Team) of the ERP transformation programme.
What will the Company gain?
Many transformation and ERP programmes fail to deliver their expected benefits but costs are typically significant and end up as costly failures. However even worse, fail to bring about the necessary changes that would create a sustainable competitive advantage. If managed effectively a successful transformation/ERP programme can deliver very significant business benefits.
What will the delegate learn?
Delegates will gain an understanding of how to plan and manage a transformation/ERP programme. Delegates will also understand their role in a successful change management process. They will also understand the significant role that education (why) compared to training (how) plays in the change management and transformation process.

Dave Manning – DM Integration
Course Leader
Dave Manning: DMi Director
A prime mover in getting a division of Rolls Royce to Class “A” in the 1980’s, he has huge experience as an inspirational educator to many companies across many continents in how to bring change through implementing Integrated Business Leadership. Recently he has spent 18 years in Oliver Wight, 5 year with The Delos Partnership and now, his own company, DM Integration Limited.