DMi – x 1 day Performance Measures & Critical Success Factors
Performance Measures and Critical Success Factors
“What you can’t measure, you can’t control – what you can’t control, you can’t improve”
a 1 day DMi Leading Edge Workshop
Performance measures exist in most organisations but the question is often are these measures aligned in order to create integrated behaviour or do they in fact create functional competition and defensive behaviour. The other question is are those measures designed to focus upon todays business requirements or the business environment of the last century. Todays business world is customer focused and the measures need to drive that focus and compared to the last century when the ‘supplier was king’ and the measures reflected and drove that output as volume.
How people are measured drives their behaviour, “if you measure people irrationally they will behave irrationally”, hence the first question needs to be what behaviour do we want and then work out the measures that will deliver that behaviour.
The Course will ensure that the measures are aligned with the vision and strategic business objectives. The focus will be on the few critical measures or KPIs and the critical success factors (CSF’s) that will deliver sustainable business improvement and success.
The concept of ‘line of sight’ from operational KPI’s through CSF’s. strategic business objectives and the execution of the vision and strategy.
Course programme
- The new world of performance measures
- KPI’s as a driver of behaviour
- Line of sight from KPI’s to strategy
- Best practice measures and reporting
- How to implement a line of sight framework
Who Should Attend?
The Leadership Team and Senior Managers of any business who wish to drive improvement, continuous improvement and a competitive advantage. Also if the organisation is embarking upon a transformation or ERP implementation project then the cross-functional or work-steam who are focused upon the development of an effective balanced score card.
What the Company will gain
The organisation will get a clear understanding of how a balanced score card and ‘line of sight’ framework can create a clear visibility of how they are performing against customer and market expectations as well as the key focus areas for improvement. They will also understand the impact of how measures effect behaviour and create an integrated approach to performance improvement and business excellence.
What the delegate will learn
Delegates will understand how to develop a performance measures and line of sight framework which will support the execution of the organisation’s strategy and business objectives.
They will also understand how personal accountability and distributed leadership can drive an environment of achievement, empowerment and sustainable performance improvement.
From a technical perspective they will also understand the best practice definition and calculation of key performance measures along with industry benchmark performances.
Course Leader
Dave Manning: DMi Director
A prime mover in getting a division of Rolls Royce to Class “A” in the 1980’s, he has huge experience as an inspirational educator to many companies across many continents in how to bring change through implementing Integrated Business Leadership. Recently he has spent 18 years in Oliver Wight, 5 year with The Delos Partnership and now, his own company, DM Integration Limited.